Can dogs get a sunburn?
My dog LOVES to bask in the warm California sun! I don’t blame her — I love it too — but I started to wonder and grow concerned, ‘Can dogs get a sunburn?’
And, as it turns out, yes they can! A dog’s furry coat offers a layer of natural protection against UV rays, but this doesn’t mean they are in the clear. All dogs are vulnerable, but white dogs are especially susceptible to getting a burn on their naturally fair (or pink) skin. In addition, your pup’s ears, nose and underbelly also require special attention.
Fact: Dogs with shorter legs that are closer to the ground are the most affected by the sun. As their bellies are so low, they are an easy target for the sun’s rays that reflect off the ground.
Sun Protection
The easiest way to prevent sunburn is to stay indoors, especially during the hottest part of the day between 12-3pm. But, with so much to see and do outdoors in Northern California, this advice is difficult to follow.
But, the good news is, believe it or not, dogs too can wear sunscreen! We’re not sure whether human sunscreen is safe for use on dogs, and some suggest using sunblock intended for children, but: we found several brands of DOG SUNSCREEN out there to keep Fido’s skin protected (but be sure to consult your vet first!).
Sunburn Remedies
If your pup does get a sunburn, you may notice dry or cracked skin or hear whimpers when you pet him. We have all been there: being sunburnt is uncomfortable and painful. So to relieve some of that pain, a traditional oatmeal bath with warm water may help, but keep in mind that if your dog doesn’t like bath time, it’s best not to stress them out anymore. 100% pure Aloe Vera gel can also soothe and heal your pup’s burn. And, of course, it’s always best to consult with your vet.
Summer is here, so go enjoy it with your dog and remember to keep yourself and your pup protected!

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