Pet Photography: Every Dog Mom’s Hesitation
Model Material or not, your dog can become a Hilarious Hound!
The biggest hesitation I hear is, “My dog won’t sit still for his photo.”
Well, the dogs you see at Hilarious Hound Pet Photography may look like award-winning pups for best behavior, but I can assure you they are just your traditional family dogs, companion dogs, wiggly and goofy dogs, and dogs who just want to be dogs!
So how do I get Fido to sit still?
(Are you ready for our little secret?)
With the rare exception, the majority of the dogs I photograph stay on leash for the duration of their session. For the safety of your dog, unless you are 110% confident in Fido’s recall, he will remain leashed for the session. And thanks to the magic world of digital, the leash is removed in post-production. Check out the before and after below:
Now, this little secret may look easy, but it definitely doesn’t end there.
Studying professional dog training has enabled me to read the signs a dog is exhibiting, and enabling me to be patient and to watch for what will lead to that perfect moment. Beyond that, understanding the dog’s fears and sources for excitement helps guarantee they have the best time.
And patience is key! Every dog learns and reacts at a different pace; when some might master that sit-stay on the first try, others take a bit more time. But with the appropriate approach, Fido is going to be still and look great for his photos.
This isn’t the only secret — another is having the right equipment. I dig into the topic of proper equipment in the next article, 5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Pet Photographer, so let’s hop over there.
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