Anyone who has ever owned a pet knows how life-changing and life-enriching this partnership can be. While many domesticated animals are suitable as household pets, none compare to the companionship a dog can provide.
Dogs were first domesticated somewhere between 18,000 and 32,000 years ago and because of this long-standing relationship, they have been affectionately known as Man’s Best Friend.
Today, it seems almost every household has a dog and it is becoming more common to see dogs as a member of the family rather than just a pet. Anyone can see this when they enter a department store or pet store and see all the products that are dedicated to dogs.

So, why do people choose to adopt a dog as part of their family? Well, there are many reasons.
While cats were originally domesticated to keep mouse populations down in human dwellings, dogs have always been seen as loyal companions. It’s easy to imagine that human masters are just as dependent on their dogs as their dogs are on them. In the early days of human history, dogs and humans would keep
each other warm on cold nights during hunting and gathering sessions. Dogs likely helped with the hunting chores and definitely kept humans company on long, lonely outings and also protected them from danger. In return, the humans reward their companions and a special bond formed that continues into today.
There is no denying The Mood Boosting Power of Owning a Dog. I’ve always said that every dog needs a child and every child needs a dog. For children, the benefits of having a dog are numerous. Children born into families with already established dogs learn to love animals at a young age. There have been countless reports of dogs becoming overprotective and watchful of newborn babies within hours of them being brought home from the hospital. Older children know the value of true friendship when they spend the earlier part of their lives playing and getting into mischief with their first best friend. This relationship is beneficial on both ends; both child and dog get tons of exercise and playtime and both get the benefit of having a loyal, protective friend who always has your back.
For people who are living alone, suffering from loneliness, depression or PTSD or if an individual has a mental or physical disability, owning a dog can be a true life-saver. Living alone can be daunting but having a dog provides peace of mind when you know he or she will let you know of someone if prowling around your home. There have been many instances where dogs awakened their masters during a house fire and end up saving their lives. There are just as many stories of dogs running to seek help when their master’s health takes a turn for the worse or gets injured.
For decades, seeing eye dogs have provided companionship and assistance to people who are blind. These dogs help their masters safely cross busy roads and navigate city streets with ease. These days, with the abundance of news coverage, the removal of stigma from mental illness and a better understanding of debilitating conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a renewed understanding of how dogs can be helpful for people suffering from mental illness is emerging.

Helper dogs, or service dogs as they are also known, are certified and trained to perform various tasks for their owners in need. They can fetch items and do various things around the home but their most important task is being a loyal friend and companion.
These dogs are known to reduce stress and loneliness, they motivate their owners to get out of the house and participate in life again, they encourage activity and fitness and they make it easier for their owner to meet other people.
About the Author
Abi Pennavaria is a dog mom, avid volunteer veterinarian, and co-author of Saved By The Bark blog. She enjoys sharing tips and tricks for dog owners of all breeds.