As we ring in a new year, it’s easy to jump on the ‘New You’ bandwagon. But it’s just as easy to fall off that wagon. But this year, perhaps adding this one element to your work out will help you stay motivated all year long. Make your fitness goals fun by including your pup!
Health benefits
I don’t think I need to tell you the importance of maintaining a healthy body, you already know that, or you wouldn’t have clicked to read more. But did you know that physical activity for your dog goes far beyond just staying in shape? Physical activity can help with mental sharpness, along with decreased anxiety and depression. Those are some huge benefits!
Exercising with Your Pup

I am going to share the exercise routine that has strengthened my muscles along with the bond between my dog and me. So, what do you say, are you ready?
What you need:
You, your dog, some treats, and a positive attitude.
What you don’t need:
Equipment or expensive gym bills.
I like to find a nearby park to use as my destination point for most of this exercise. But if you prefer to stay indoors, that’s not a problem.
Start with a brisk walk or jog to get your bodies warmed up. If you are doing this in your home, alternating between jumping jacks and running in place will do the trick too. Once your pup has gotten his/her business out of the way, it’s time to focus. I like to keep my pup on a short lead with plenty of verbal rewards to keep her close to my side. It might take your dog a few days before they get used to this, but positive reinforcement and the occasional treat can go a long way here.
My Routine
To start my exercises, I like to find a quiet bench at a nearby park and make it my gym for the next 15-20 minutes. I find it most comfortable to attach the leash to the bench or a tree so I can focus when it’s my turn to work.
I start by getting my dog in a solid sit-stay (you can also do a down-stay). And verbally reinforce your dog if he/she attempts to break this. Having your dog learn to hold a sit-stay can be beneficial in many situations, so it’s a good practice to learn. While he/she is sitting still, I start my first set of push-ups.
When you complete your first set, reward your pup and let them release from their sit-stay. And now it’s their turn to work with alternating paws. Ask for their paw and reward. Then ask for the other paw and reward. Repeat this a few times; then it’s back to a sit-stay for your dog. And onto squats for yourself.
I repeat this back and forth work out between you and your dog a few times to complete a full-body workout, and then it’s back to an easy jog home.
If you’re stuck on some basic workouts that don’t require equipment or how to teach your pup these new tricks, here is a great list. Click on each exercise to view a demo video.
For Humans
For Dogs
Getting into a grove can take practice with your pup, but most importantly, remember to keep it a positive experience and remember every dog learns at a different pace. And don’t forget to reward yourself and your pup!
You and your pup can do it!